Sunday, August 23, 2009


If you dig the swamp...
...then this is a wet dream come true.


3 months...

At not one new post.

Oh dear.

I need to get my shit together.


Tuesday, June 23, 2009


As you may or may not have noticed, a recent (well, the only) artist spotlight to grace the pages of SLEEZE has gone.

You didn't.
Well it has.

I guess I shouldn't call pals of mine "sick fucks" or "depraved bastards" if I want to remain in their mother's good books.

Love you Dave.

Sunday, June 7, 2009



Dirty Shirlows.
Friday 5th June, 2009.
Sydney's finest.
Brisbane's finest.
Some blokes I've never heard of.
And the sleeziest fucker I've ever seen.

Bed Wettin' Badboys

I didn't really know what to think of this band after seeing them play. They kind of sounded like a faster, simplified Eddy Current Suppression Ring. Which was good, (I guess) but there was nothing that really interesting or memorable. I even forgot their name when I started writing this and had to peruse the myspace to find it. I don't really have a opinion (the bass player was a nice guy though), here's the link so you can do your own thinking.

Bain Wolfkind

"If there was a RSL, in a swamp, then he'd be the house band..."
Bain Wolfkind is, in no uncertain terms, THE COOLEST FUCKER ALIVE.
He acts like a total sleeze, yet he seems to rack it like no one else I know.
He manages to somehow pull off all the ridiculous crouch fondling and rubbing-the-microphone-cable-between-his-legs shenanigans without looking like a tool.
Bain Wolfkind is all that SLEEZE aspires to be.

Wolfkind didn't really have much going for him, using only a backing track and a useless guitarist who seemed to be more interested messing with his amp's settings and trying to be inaudible then playing music. A lesser man would have quit, or put on a crappy show, not Bain Wolfkind though. He sang, and it was as if I was in some smoke-filled dive bar in the backwater region of Americana. Yes, it was that good.


SLUG GUTS are a real bloody scary band. They sound as if the great bluesmen from the days of old have risen from the grave and now have an almost violent need to get down with all the whores, wine, and wimmen they can afford. Then, when they're soaking in puddles of their own piss and spilled bourbon in the pokies room of a strip club with no money left, they grab their guitars and fuzz pedals play shows.


Circle Pit

Circle Pit were amazing, my limited skills with the english language (plus the progressive slip in the quality of my writing as I reach the tail end of this post. Also, I'm feeling lazy) could never do this band justice. So just go see them play.

Photos (taken by yours truly) here.

Saturday, May 23, 2009


This is SLEEZE.
SLEEZE is a blog.
SLEEZE is always spelt in capital letters.
The writer of SLEEZE is a bored Sydney teenager who can't write.
Hence, the overly-pretentious way in which this first post is written.

Fuck it, this was supposed to be a fanzine (and one day it might be), but I can never get my shit together in order to pull something like that off (I started this blog in March, it's now May and I'm writing the first post), so for the time being SLEEZE shall reside within in the (flake-friendly) internet. 

In the self-indulgent spirit that is the core of all this 'social-networking' bullshit ("Wow, I had an amazing time at _______  now I'm going to blog about it and then post photos of myself to facebook!"), SLEEZE is going to be about things that I like (or loath).  Expect music, films, books, art, maybe the odd short story. If I write, and it's not for my english class, it'll end up on SLEEZE.

Read it.