Saturday, May 23, 2009


This is SLEEZE.
SLEEZE is a blog.
SLEEZE is always spelt in capital letters.
The writer of SLEEZE is a bored Sydney teenager who can't write.
Hence, the overly-pretentious way in which this first post is written.

Fuck it, this was supposed to be a fanzine (and one day it might be), but I can never get my shit together in order to pull something like that off (I started this blog in March, it's now May and I'm writing the first post), so for the time being SLEEZE shall reside within in the (flake-friendly) internet. 

In the self-indulgent spirit that is the core of all this 'social-networking' bullshit ("Wow, I had an amazing time at _______  now I'm going to blog about it and then post photos of myself to facebook!"), SLEEZE is going to be about things that I like (or loath).  Expect music, films, books, art, maybe the odd short story. If I write, and it's not for my english class, it'll end up on SLEEZE.

Read it.